Myla in the media - sleep
Articles, videos and podcasts from the Myla Health team

PODCAST: f sfnlsnflksndlkfnsdklfnksdfkls
ARTICLE: How to sleep better during a heatwave
ARTICLE: Do you really have Covid insomnia?
ARTICLE: Can the menstrual cycle affect people's sleep and dreams?
ARTICLE: 7 Sleep Myths Debunked By The Experts
ARTICLE: Kelly Holmes on her struggle with menopause insomnia
ARTICLE: Chronic insomnia - waking up to the 24-hour reality of patients
PODCAST: Menopause & Sleep - Can some foods help you get to sleep or even help you sleep longer?
PODCAST: Sleep And Menopause - Understanding The Impact And Learning To Cope
ARTICLE: This sleep expert answers your most common questions
VIDEO: Menopause, Sleep and Supplements
ARTICLE: Management of sleep disorders in the menopausal transition
VIDEO: Let’s all Talk Menopause
PODCAST: Dr Zoe Schaedel on sweet, sweet sleep - how we can get more and better sleep in midlife
VIDEO: Sleep - a British Menopause Society video