Perimenopause & Menopause Symptom Checker

Every woman responds in a different way to the hormone changes of
perimenopause and menopause. It is always a good idea to run through our list of symptoms to see which are affecting you. Myla can then address your symptoms at your appointment:

Hot flushes
are a common symptom. Women describe a feeling of heat spreading over the body and many will also flush or sweat too. These can occur at any time.

Poor sleep is one of the most common and distressing symptoms which we see and is often worsened by night sweats or anxiety. This contributes to a sensation of overwhelming fatigue.

Irritability, anger and anxiety are all common problems. Many women feel they have undergone a personality change and these side effects are often made worse by a lack of sleep. Sometimes our patients have already been prescribed antidepressants which have no, or only partial, effect.

Brain fog is often described as difficulty concentrating or linking thoughts together. This can be a huge problem at work and at home.

Muscle aches and joint pains can be an issue. Women who exercise regularly may find that they are not able to train as intensively as they did before. They may become tired more easily and find that their muscles and joints hurt after exercise.

Hair and skin changes may also occur as the oestrogen level in the body lowers and women also find their skin gets dryer and thinner. Hair on the head may thin and stray hairs grow on the face.

Loss of libido (sexual desire) is a distressing symptom which women often feel unable to discuss with their doctor. This has multiple different causes; from tiredness and anxiety, to pain and dryness of the vagina or vulva. This is something we can treat.

Changes in the vagina or vulva can include dryness, itching or even pain. as oestrogen receptors are found in the pelvic floor and at the entrance to the bladder. Symptoms of an irritable bladder, pain passing urine or leaking urine can sometimes be helped by HRT or vaginal oestrogen.